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Could we get a substance painter file for customization?

(4 edits)

it works on quest (obviously no sps support or particle emiiters)

however on quest there is a issue where by default the cock is fully unsheathed on quest, and stays out as the default state. and wont go back away.

EDIT: see following comment from author on a better way to fix this issue.

to fix this go to your files > The Taper > animations > FX Tapercock
and double click

in the aniamator tab, top left click layers, then aroused.

in the node graph click "idle" and the in the right pane next to motion click on the little circle, search "Taperinsideslit" and select that.

poof the cock will stay shethed when idle on quest

(3 edits) (+1)

it was never really designed with Quest in mind, but its good to know it mostly works without much changed.
the animation you refer to is set to be played by vrcfury prior to upload. however, that function is part of the SPS component that would have been removed, causing the issue.

fixing it in the way you describe will mostly work, but if someone does not have your avatar 'fully shown' and safety settings have animations disabled, it will still appear fully aroused to that user.

an alternative i suggest, which is easier to perform, is after removing the SPS component, add an "apply during upload" component, and set it to play the "Taperinsideslit" animation prior to upload. this will ensure both that it's the default state, and that safety settings won't interfere with it.

i will take this into consideration for an update i am working on, and may move the pre-upload animation into this separate component, to simplify it for users adapting it to quest.

(1 edit)

ahh this is very good to know, ill use this. thanks for the info. yeah all the animations seems to work on quest (obviously ignoring the SPS and particle emitters) user just need to change the shaders so they render on quest.

Best ToN item, definitely doesn't get me killed.  I'm not distracted... you are.

Word of warning for any avatar novices, it's very VRCFury heavy, would recommend learning how VRCF works if you're gonna tear it apart for customization.


one of the best cocks on VRC, and still is